SerialInput is a Windows based application to enable keyboard and mouse input via alternative input devices. It works by taking input from your device (via a Serial Port), and translating the received data into keyboard and mouse input for Windows operating systems.

Find out more about how SerialInput works and which devices we’ve tried it with.

Platforms supported : Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7.

We are confident that the application will function correctly on 64bit Windows platforms. We only omit them from the list above as we haven’t done any recent development or testing.

Unfortunately, users of Windows 3.x and Windows NT3.x are not supported, and are not planned for the future.

Beta 1 Now Available (FREE DOWNLOAD)

The first version of SerialInput is now available for download. This version is Beta1 and so comes without warranty and documentation.

We are not actively developing SerialInput now, but any comments, suggestions or expressions of interest are welcome through the contact page.  If there is demand to update the application, then we’ll certainly consider future development.